It’s always darkest before the dawn
Entrepreneurship / Goals / PMA/Positive mental attitude and contrarion investing / Start-ups / Success

It’s always darkest before the dawn

I constantly write about positive mental attitudes because it’s something, as a human, that we all experience and can relate to. It’s as if everyone must grow and become a better person by experiencing “baptism by fire”. Another saying is “what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger”. As all experiences, these are teachings as we … Continue reading

Elon Musk: My Hero and the “Real Tony Stark”
Investing / Leadership / PMA/Positive mental attitude and contrarion investing / Private Equity / Start-ups

Elon Musk: My Hero and the “Real Tony Stark”

Okay “Naysayers” (my favorite target). Get ready for the “final nail in the coffin.” Why teach yourself computer programming at the age of 12 (and sell your first program game), sell your next venture Zip2, at 21 for $307M, deciding there had to be a better way to pay on-line, start PayPal (which sold for … Continue reading

It’s ALL in your mind!
PMA/Positive mental attitude and contrarion investing / Positive Mental Attitude / Private Equity

It’s ALL in your mind!

A winter sport played well into June…that’s enough to play with your “head.” The first game of the National Hockey League Stanley Cup Finals were played last night in Chicago. It was Chicago Blackhawks and the Boston Bruins. You might think: “What do I care! I don’t follow hockey or even know what it is!” Bear … Continue reading

Think like summer in winter and winter in summer
Contrarion Investing / Investing / PMA/Positive mental attitude and contrarion investing / Positive Mental Attitude / Private Equity

Think like summer in winter and winter in summer

This simple philosophy has been my compass for most of my adult life. It has guided me in investment decisions, work problems, love, and just dealing with the stresses of everyday living. Some might say, it is the hallmark of a contrarian. Others might say, it is a crafty defensive mechanism to not deal with … Continue reading